ani de experienta

Professional este nu doar cea mai puternica agentie de resurse umane din Romania, dar reprezinta si cea mai veche initiativa locala din domeniu.

ani de prezenta internationala

Prin afilierea la retele internationale si prin propria retea de birouri ne-am extins constant teritoriul acoperit, pentru a fi acolo unde partenerii nostri au nevoie de expertiza noastra.

Aici gasesti

Solutii complete de personal

Cel mai performant pachet de servicii complete, dedicat pietei romanesti, care acopera nevoile de recrutare, testare si plasare de personal. Rezultat: armonizarea constanta a structurii organizatiei cu obiectivele si cu piata pe care functioneaza, cresterea competitivitatii acesteia prin cresterea calitatii resurselor umane.

Ce oferim ?

Executive Search

Abordare de succes conceputa pentru a raspunde în mod optim nevoilor organizatiilor-client de personal înalt specializat, de experti cu o experienta notabila sau de alte personalitati.

Suntem aici pentru tine

Training si Dezvoltare Organizationala

O abordare speciala atât din punctul de vedere al administrarii nevoilor de training ale organizatiei-client, cât si din punctul de vedere al constructiei programelor de training. Rezultat: cresterea eficientei muncii si a performantelor organizatiei, cresterea coeziunii în grup, acumularea de noi cunostinte si deprinderi.

Al doilea job, sursa de venituri suplimentare

Interviu Cristina Pasat, General Manager – Professional

Cat de stabile sunt job-urile azi in Romania?

Interviu Cristina Pasat, General Manager – Professional

Temporariatul – noul sistem de angajare

Interviu Cristina Pasat, General Manager – Professional

Sustinem proiecte durabile

Azi student, maine specialist

Un viitor prin formare

Recruitment and staffing solutions, according to your potential

years of experience

Professional is not only the largest human resources agency in Romania, but also the oldest local initiative in the industry.

years of international presence

Through our affiliation with the international network and our office network, we constantly expand our territory to be where our partners need our expertise

Recruitment and employment according to your potential
Complete human resources services in Romania and Europe
Your partners for a successful career
Jobs in Romania and beyond
Here you find

Complete personal solutions

The best performing package of complete services, dedicated to the Romanian market, which covers the needs of recruitment, testing and personnel placement. Result: the constant harmonization of the organization’s structure with the objectives and the market on which it operates, increasing its competitiveness by increasing the quality of human resources.
What do we offer?

Executive Search

Successful approach designed to optimally respond to the needs of client organizations for highly specialized personnel, experts with notable experience or other personalities.
Suntem aici pentru tine

Training and organizational development

A special approach both from the point of view of managing the training needs of the client organization, and from the point of view of building training programs. Result: increase in work efficiency and organizational performance, increase in group cohesion, accumulation of new knowledge and skills.

Selection and placement process for applicants

Even if you know exactly what the right job is or even if you haven't decided yet and are analyzing different options, we invite you to access
"Professional opportunities".
You will find a variety of jobs in several cities and countries, from different industries/fields both for those who are at the beginning of their careers and for those who have different levels of experience. br To maximize your chances of being contacted by our recruiters, we suggest you apply to those positions where the level of compatibility between requirements and experience is increased. If you do not identify a suitable position, you can register in the database so that there is a possibility that when compatible positions appear, you will be contacted.

The second job, a source of additional income

Interview with Cristina PASAT, General Manager – Professional

How stable are jobs in Romania today?

Interview with Cristina PASAT, General Manager – Professional

Temporary work - the new work system

Interview with Cristina PASAT, General Manager – Professional